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Inclusive ADA UX Mobile App Accessibility Principles

(WCAG 2.0) 

UsableNet created this document with 
practical visual examples to create a 
reference tool and 101 introduction for UX teams on how WCAG principles can apply to mobile web
content, mobile web apps, native apps, or other hybrid

This document references WCAG 2.0. We've also created updated documentation that matches WCAG 2.1 criteria to mobile and native app design. Go to the WCAG 2.1 download page.

Inclusive ADA UX Mobile App Accessibility Principles is right for you if:  

  • You want to help your UX team ensure inclusive design and access of you native apps.

  • Your duties include establishing and maintaining accessibility for your business’s digital assets. 

  • You are looking for a reference tool and technical  guidance authored by an experienced Senior UI/UX Developer

  • Your business is among those most frequently targeted by web an app accessibility lawsuits, including retail companies and the hospitality and restaurant industry.

Please note content that meets WCAG 2.1 or 2.2 should meet the requirements of policies that reference WCAG 2.0. WCAG 2.1 does not deprecate or supersede WCAG 2.0.

Teams and individuals are encouraged to share this resource but please credit UsableNet as source.